2010 Video from the School for Disabled and Orphanage

2010 Video from the Masaai village

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

LAST DAY - Wed. June 23

Wow - that trip went so fast! I can't believe our time here is already over. Jon just returned from seeing the group off at the Nairobi airport where they should be leaving in just about an hour.

Jon and I are staying here in Nairobi tonight since we are booked on a different flight and will be staying 3 extra days in London. There are 6 others here meeting up with family in London and going in various directions so we are all here at the Mayfield Missionary house tonight.

The group will be coming back with Brian Millet, Amber Marshall, Camille Millet, Mary Ndungu and Linda Halbert as chaperones. Please pray for a safe flight as they travel. I'm sure they will have lots of stories to tell you when they get home but give them one day to sleep first. :)

The safari was WONDERFUL - sorry Jill Cox, but I think this was the best one yet! Beautiful lodge and I think we had seen all of the "Big 5" animals on the first day. Saw TONS of baby lion cubs, we witnessed a pack of 4 cheetahs chase and capture both a wildebeest and a gazelle. I was actually not happy AT ALL about that part but the students thought it was great. We saw a boy and girl lion being "friendly", a leopard laying in a tree eating something that looked like a wildebeest leg, tons of elephant, tons of giraffe, about 12 baby lion cubs waiting with 2 mommies while the other two hunted. Well, you get the point. It was awesome!

Oh - and sorry Cindy Millet but your hubby is coming home slightly injured because he fell asleep by the pool yesterday and got SO sunburned because he forgot how much closer we are to the equator. ;)

I just wanted to say THANK you to the parents for letting your students come on this trip. They were fantastic in so many ways and we really enjoyed having them along with us. Also, thank you to the families of the sponsors who came along. I know, personally, how hard it is to stay behind and take care of everything while someone you love is gone for awhile so thank you for sharing them with us for the past 2 weeks.

Thank you to my kids (and extended family) for letting us go and share Christ with the people in Africa...we know you probably missed us even though Uncle Kelly and Aunt Helen are so FUN and the BEST babysitters! Max will be home tomorrow and we will be home on Monday. Can't wait to see you all! We love you!

Last announcement: Please encourage your students to copy all of their photos and video clips (short ones) onto a cd or dvd and arrange to get it to Jon or I in the next week or so. I would like to start working on the video early this year so I am not panicking about it during back-to-school week like usual. :) That would greatly help me so I don't have to call and track everyone down. When the video is done, we will try to have some kind of viewing reunion party and of course, everyone will get a copy of the video AND a copy of the combined photos. It is usually played in all 3 chapels at TCA during the earlier part of the school year too if anyone wants to see it. THANK YOU for your help!

We praise God for this trip, this group that went and all that was accomplished in the name of Christ!


Jenni Millet

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