Okay, so power outage #3 just wiped out all of my typing for today so far. :) I'll try again.
Today we split into 3 groups for the morning. One group stayed here and finished out the work project on the Scott chapel. They are now DONE and accomplished all of our goals for the chapel. I am sure one of them got photos, but I don't have them here on my camera so sorry I can't post that. When we get home, we will put all the photos and edit the video into a dvd movie for the students.
We left another group of students here at Scott to run a VBS program for some local children. Wes and Shae offered to step up and run that and did a great job. We did another VBS later in the afternoon as a large group and the students really have gotten this thing down now. Lauren Wright had written out some questions and was handing out candy to kids who were listening well and answered the questions right.
Jon and I, Gary, Autumn, Dale, and James all went to the orphanage to deliver the tubs of supplies you had donated. We were also very blessed to get to participate in a groundbreaking ceremony for their new property. Mary, the director, was so happy because she was really wanting us to see the beginnings of the work and was worried she wouldn't be able to get the building permit on time. The official who oversees the permit department has for some reason turned her down in the past when wanting to make improvements to the existing orphanage building. But she was happy to find that when she went to the office, the old official had just been let go - as of last week - and the new guy is very supportive and made sure she had the building permits in hand before she left. So we were able to go to the new property and pray over it with her and shovel the first couple of piles of dirt together. We know that the new property will allow them to take better care of the children and will be a huge blessing for them.
One other really cool thing that happened today at the orphanage was with a little boy they have there named Dennis. Dennis is significantly handicapped, about 8 years old, in a wheelchair most of the day and doesn't really ever seem to make much eye contact or respond in any way. Jon and I always make a point to go and visit with him. This year we gave him a giant teddy bear that they could strap in his wheelchair with him to help prop him upright. So today Jon and I went in to say goodbye to him and decided to pray over him. As Jon was praying, he suddenly started chattering away and when we looked up, we saw him smiling and looking straight at us - something he's never done before. Please pray for him to find a loving family that can meet all of his needs. If we could take him, we would, but to adopt a Kenyan child you have to actually live in Kenya for a full year...something we obviously cannot do at this point in our lives.
By the way, for those of you who asked, we THINK we calculated this correctly - but it looks like a new commercial grade washing machine would cost around $1500. This would greatly help them, but she will never directly ask for or expect anything. They are always just so grateful for any help and supplies that we can give.
We did hear from the Kajairdo group last night that everyone is doing well and that KJ is feeling better again. Camille and Mary apparently had an interesting day as their Land Rover only turned out to be able to get them HALF way up the mountain and then died on them coming down about HALF the way down. They didn't fully explain how they managed to get back ( they were having a meeting when we called and so we only talked briefly) but they were both laughing about it and said it was quite the adventure.
Also, they said that Salem was able to go preach in the open market and reported that two people accepted Christ. They were very excited as one of those two people is a very key leader in the Masaai tribe and we hope will be an encouragement for others to believe as well. Tomorrow, the whole group will be trekking up the mountain - about a 2 hour hike - and then will be having church with the people in the village up there and staying for the early afternoon before returning. Please pray for their safety as they go.
We will be splitting up here tomorrow to about 7 different churches. All of the men and all four of the boys here - Wes, Dale, James, and Kevin will all be doing the sermon in the church they visit. As you can imagine, these young guys are a bit nervous so please pray for them as well. Tomorrow afternoon, we will be going to the other side of town to a pretty river area for a hike. Tomorrow night we will be packing up to leave early Monday and meet up with the other group in Nairobi and then travel together to the Safari. The time has gone SO fast but has been a great trip.
Parents, your students are AWESOME and we have been just so impressed with how hard they have worked and how they have been so willing to step up into uncomfortable situations with evangelizing and sharing their testimonies and preaching. They have done a great job and we hope they have grown a lot from their time here. They have all had great attitudes and have been extremely respectful so you can all be very proud of them.
OH, I almost forgot to post this but I want to brag for just a second on Autumn Adams. She has just been FABULOUS this whole trip, as have all the other kids. But yesterday, we were all so amused at her presentation that she did with Katie at the Mumbuni Primary school. They came up with a whole storyline on the 10 plagues they wanted to present and Autumn came up with a visual aid for every one. They had Kool Aid to turn the water into "blood". She even went out and caught some grasshoppers AND some little frogs and brought them along in a water bottle for the kids to see. She is truly Bob Adams' kid for sure! :) Anyway, she did a great job and the students just went crazy over the whole thing so I just thought you'd get a kick out of that.
Okay, so tomorrow MAY be the last post you will see depending on whether or not we find any internet connection at the Safari Site. Some have them, others do not. Thank you for your prayers over the past few days. We have definitely felt them and it has been a GREAT trip!
Jenni Millet
ReplyDeleteI am so glad to finally be able to look at the blog and catch up on our Lords work in Kenya. I was just released from the hospital this past Tuesday - so I'm on my 5th day at home. Verizon came out this morning to put a new connection in downstairs - so now I can have access to the blog. I loved seeing the pics of ya'll and hearing of your creative presentation of the plagues - way to pull in some cool visuals!!!
I took the photo book you made for my stay in the hospital. So encouraging to look at it and know that you are using thoses same talents to share your love of Jesus with the African kids.
Rehab is going well - hard work, but progress continues.
Enjoy your final days in Kenya - keep on sharin the love you know and have recieved from our Lord.
Lots of love from the home front.
Daddy Robert
Yay! HI BOB ADAMS!!! Glad YOU are doing well- hope you're not in too much pain in your knees!!!
ReplyDeleteJenni- great stories- WAY TO GO, AUTUMN ADAMS!!! I think Autumn needs to give us some of her ideas for next year- that KoolAid idea is GENIUS!! Where did you catch the frogs??!
Also, big props to all the rest of the kids- all the stories are amazing, from the work projects getting finished to the VBS teams to the evangelism- you guys are awesome!
I will definitely be praying tomorrow for the 2 hour hike in Kajiado- I know this will be such a special experience for them all!- and also for all the church visits. It is really hard to believe that this trip is winding to a close. But when you look back on all that has been done in the name of the LORD, it is even more amazing!
Glad the work permit worked out for Mary, also (how funny that that guy has been moved out of that position... the Lord knows His plans. :)
Love you guys- hope you have a great Sunday and a great time in the Mara! (suuuuuuuuuper jealous, btw. Oh, and hey, Jon Millet, I am having a photo contest with you [in my mind]. That ought to improve the quality of your pictures. :)
love- Jill
To Lauren W from Grandpa and Grammie:
ReplyDeleteLauren, we're so proud of you and the other students. We know this will be a life-changing experience for you. We would love to be there holdings babies with you. We look forward to seeing you in July and hearing about your experiences and seeing your pictures.
We love you,
Grandpa and Grammie
I am enjoying the pictures - the huge smiles! I see Gary is strumming
ReplyDeleteaway - kinda like the piped piper! That Lauren Wright is great with kids -
reminds me the time she helped out at the Anne Frank Diversity Fair! Miss
Adams and her creative ideas - teacher material! I see Dale Greenwood
loving on kids! Glad all are well and God is using each of you to show
His loving kindness!
Susan Cordre
Hi, all! Good job!!! It makes me miss Kenya to see your photos. They have the cutest babies!!!! I love you all and will be eager to hear stories. Continue to thank God for all the beauty you see and to pray for those who suffer. All the best,
ReplyDeleteAnita Horton
Jenni, Jon, Brian, the best mother in the world, and everyone there-
ReplyDeleteFirst and foremost, much applause to everyone's diligence and determination. All the hard work and prayers have immensely paid off all for His glory, what a picturesque image of love being shared all around! (Literally AND figuratively speaking, of course =D The pictures are breathtaking).
Secondly, I'm pleased to hear the finances are being planned for the washing machine. I will try and spread the word to others in effort to raise awareness for such a good cause. Would love to contribute. I can personally attest to the laundry situation as it gives such a new meaning to living in an apartment with that amenity, reminds me to count my blessings more often than not of how fortunate I am. Especially since I usually find myself groaning at the thought of doing laundry tomorrow, I'm pretty sure my attitude has been dramatically changed due to reading these stories.
Speaking of the donation incentive, an idea struck my mind just the other day. I was reading Yahoo! news, as I often find myself doing after work, and noticed many independent online journalists that make a career out of blogging and others that get paid by third-party or user-friendly donors. As a non-profit organization, many bloggers use this tool for effective money raising efforts. Here's a thought: how about placing a link to a secure online money transferring system such as Paypal on this blog so that people can easily add donations to this cause? The process is simple and effective, with all proceeds benefiting the costs and labor that goes into this trip specifically (or money to go toward that washing machine!) All revenue would be a tax exempt write-off, and would give independent readers a way to contribute and feel a part of the organization for those who cannot go on the trip, or if they feel the need to help financially. Again, its just a thought, but who knows? Maybe somebody out there in the public e-world would love to help the effort. You never know who might be reading, ready and willing to help spread the love of Christ. :)
Loved the plagues demonstration, what a fantastic creative way to display Biblical knowledge. Great work guys!!
Lastly, as always, tell Camille (mom) that I love her and dearly miss her. This momma's boy is going through withdrawals from not being able to call her on the phone, but at the same time, very appreciative of her humble heart and loving attitude. I bet she's having the time of her life. I know Greg (dad) sure would have.
(P.S.- was mom driving the Land Rover? I just had to ask. Glad to know she can still laugh through tribulations, definitely apparent of the woman we all know and love.)
Thanks again for continued blogging Jenni. Love delving into the world of endless possibilities as I feel as though I have become part of the journey just by reading these stories. Looking forward to hearing from you again. Seriously, it brightens my day to read these. Love it!!!
- micah
The Guy in the blue shirt is totally hot.
ReplyDeleteSame with the dude holding the two babies.